Monday 20 April 2015

Double page spread final

This is my Double page spread that I created on 'adobe in design'. When undergoing my double page spread I had difficulty using the software. Firstly I created a B in the background, to represent Ballad as it is my music cover masthead. I then created text showing the exclusive interview with Priya Kailey. 
I started adding in quotes from the interview, one for example 'it's not about the money it's about the people'. I also placed a picture of the star (on the right) so it looks like she is reading it herself, as well as showing the realism and authenticity of how she is in her day to day life.
I wasn't too happy with the quality of the picture as it doesn't look as clear. I chose a simple colour pallet because I didn't want it to be complicated, as you can see mainly red and black. 

Contents page final

This is my final contents page, as you can see I have used a good amount of colours making it simple but very effective. The B in the background represents the title ballad on my front cover. The person on the right is another artist featured in the magazine. I have used the colour scheme of red, black and grey which compliments the jumper, my artists is wearing. The artist is looking to the ground to give a normal impression. I believe this is the most professional work I've done compared to my earlier drafts that are substandard and in some ways pathetic. I purposely put the 'features heading' to the right of the page creating a diagonal flow, as my artist is also looking diagonally to the ground.
After getting some teachers comments they all recommended that I add more text. I did this as you can see, the other reason for this was because I had no link to my artist in the left hand corner, so I mentioned his name in the contents information, giving the reader a clear understanding of who he is.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Front cover comments

As you can see, I got teachers comments showing me how to improve on my work. Examples such as: drop shadows, smaller bar code etc. I took all of these comments into account, as I made changes to my cover.'Exclusive interview with Priya Kailey' got criticized because of the way it was positioned diagonally, as well as it not being the main feature.

From looking at my comments I made all of the adjustments, apart from the drop shadow as I thought it looked tacky and unprofessional. The only problem I had was making the text look clear, as the artists' hand blended with the text. I also kept the 'Exclusive interview with Priya Kailey'  diagonal as I thought it flowed with the position of the guitar. I also changed the size of the price, as I didn't want it to look more important to the captions.

Front cover final

This is my front cover, I designed this in 'adobe photoshop' I'm quite happy with what I've produced. Firstly I took a photo with the thought in mind of classical, as it was the most popular from the results from my questionnaire. After I got my photo, I started experimenting with fonts and colours for my masthead. Then I changed the effect on the picture making it more crisp and sharp. I then started adding in my captions (seen on the left) as well as choosing a simple colour pallet as I wanted to make unique and smart. 'Exclusive interview with Priya Kailey' is in a playful font, as it looks like she has signed it herself, it is also diagonal following the way the guitar is facing.

Thursday 5 March 2015

music magazine questionnaire

This is my questionnaire for my music magazine to get a general outcome of what the public wants to see on my front cover.

Out of 30 people I asked liked the fact of orange, blue and a white colour scheme and the fact of having more images on the front cover, as well as the main genre being classical. I felt using these questions would aid me into getting the best out of my magazine. By asking questions like 'how old are you' let me gain knowledge of what different ages like so I could appeal to most of them.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Draft pictures

These are some pictures that I took for the front of my cover however they were not up to standard, or suitable for a front cover. I didn't like the positioning as they seemed to be unprofessional. As you can see they are smiling or not looking at the camera, as well as the background being dull and too plain. Another reason why I didn't like these photos, was their attire as they didn't flow with one another and looked scruffy.

Thursday 26 February 2015

ideal pictures for my music magazine

These are my ideal pictures for my music magazine, I have placed the artist, to show the realism of how she would get inspiration in her day to day life. I didn't use the last two as her head is cut off and there is not enough background. With the thought of orange, blue and a white colour scheme I came up with this image as it fit exactly as well as her attire flowing well with the background.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Q magazine analysis

Q is a music magazine created by bauer, the use of the Q is a abbreviation of cue meaning the start of the song. So the person reading it already knows what the magazine is about, this particular magazine focuses on the genres of hip-hop and pop as they have various artist in that genre. Q is a well know music magazine known across the world as it has music icons such as: Micheal Jackson, Kanye West and Elton John.

This a front cover of a Q music magazine as Micheal Jackson "the king of pop" is used as he is a artist of pop.


Bauer is a large European media group based in the UK, Bauer owns a lot of brands from kerrang to Q.
Most of their brands being very popular across the UK, for example Q. As it features some of the worlds top artist, from Kanye West to Micheal Jackson.

Q was created by Bauer concentrating on music as it has its own music awards, it is now very popular 
as Q has its own radio and TV station. The use of Q is a pun as it is a abbreviation of cue 'to cue in music'. This is simple as well as very effective, as the red around the 'Q' brings out the white, to give a strong and powerful statement.

Bauer also owns kerrang which is also music and focuses on the genre rock. We get this impression as the word kerrang sounds like a guitar being played. This is also shown with the lines on the masthead, as they look like guitar strings.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

analysis of a double page spread

when looking at this double page spread we first notice the edgy and Gothic person placed in the corner. 'Lily Allen' is pictured to be wearing an over sized red and black shirt, giving the impression of being rebellious. The chain presents her as being dangerous relating to gangs and being quite thuggish, this is also shown with the tattoos on her wrist. Her hair is styled in a messy way so is her make up as she is targeting the younger generation. The masthead is written in a rocky and edgy way as the text looks uneven. she is also seen as a sex symbol as her shirt is half unbuttoned also attracting a lot of male attention.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

double page spread analysis

when looking at this double page spread we first notice the headline as it says 'rita ora' this automatically gives the indication of who and what genre it is. The use of the colour red suggests it's aimed at the lower generation as well as the font giving it that edgy vibe as she is pictured half naked behind. Rita Ora is almost exposed as there is a contrast between her and the background, as she is all colourful. The use of this is to get the attention of the reader as we can only see her bare legs to entice the audience. There is a colour scheme of red, black and white as it flows with the edgy attire and background. The 'R' and the 'A' in Rita Ora are in a different font compared to the rest of the name, as it looks like she has painted it on herself giving that rebellious feeling almost like graffiti, as it grabs the attention of teenagers around the world.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

music magazine masthead design ideas

                                       These are my masthead designs for my music magazine.

Thursday 22 January 2015

music magazine contents page analysis

When analysing this contents page I noticed I missed a few things out.
Another good point about this contents page is that the text flows with the artist, as the text is on the right hand side of the page. The only problem I have is that it is too plain, it needs more of a background. Maybe the first letter of the masthead, as a trademark as it will make it bring out the colours abit more.