Monday 20 April 2015

Contents page final

This is my final contents page, as you can see I have used a good amount of colours making it simple but very effective. The B in the background represents the title ballad on my front cover. The person on the right is another artist featured in the magazine. I have used the colour scheme of red, black and grey which compliments the jumper, my artists is wearing. The artist is looking to the ground to give a normal impression. I believe this is the most professional work I've done compared to my earlier drafts that are substandard and in some ways pathetic. I purposely put the 'features heading' to the right of the page creating a diagonal flow, as my artist is also looking diagonally to the ground.
After getting some teachers comments they all recommended that I add more text. I did this as you can see, the other reason for this was because I had no link to my artist in the left hand corner, so I mentioned his name in the contents information, giving the reader a clear understanding of who he is.

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