Monday 20 April 2015

Double page spread final

This is my Double page spread that I created on 'adobe in design'. When undergoing my double page spread I had difficulty using the software. Firstly I created a B in the background, to represent Ballad as it is my music cover masthead. I then created text showing the exclusive interview with Priya Kailey. 
I started adding in quotes from the interview, one for example 'it's not about the money it's about the people'. I also placed a picture of the star (on the right) so it looks like she is reading it herself, as well as showing the realism and authenticity of how she is in her day to day life.
I wasn't too happy with the quality of the picture as it doesn't look as clear. I chose a simple colour pallet because I didn't want it to be complicated, as you can see mainly red and black. 

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