Wednesday 10 December 2014

Preliminary task contents page

This is my contents page, as you can see it's not up to standard as I had very little time to complete. Firstly the font isn't very good as it is hard to read and is in a small size. To add to this the text is missing capital letters, which makes it look unprofessional and is a schoolboy error. The layout of my contents page isn't realistic as it looks like I've added in random images and looks untidy. Also the colours don't go very well as I have a mixture of five colours or so which makes it look messy.
The colour pallet I have used isn't too a high standard as it looks jumbled and terrible. The 'children in need' lettering is in the wrong place and is not needed.
The logo of the school is also put in a random place, it should be next to the title or to the top of the page.

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