Wednesday 31 December 2014

Analysis of magazine front cover

we first see the masthead as it is in a bold font as well as it being in upper case lettering, however it's not important as 'Katy Perry' the central image. Katy perry is dressed in very little clothing making it enticing to the audience as it attracts male attention. she is looking directly at the camera making it look like she is connecting with the audience, mainly men as she is exposes most of her skin. Her attire is the same colour scheme as the text on the page making it flow and look more appealing. There is a lot of interesting quotes as the aim is to intrigue the audience into buying the magazine. The red lipstick and red bracelet make her look more powerful as we link red with danger.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

analysis of music magazine

The next task is music magazines, so I have decided to analyse this music magazine.
There are some good points and bad points to this magazine.

Good points are that the colour scheme is very good in terms of matching, it is also very colourful which attracts the audience, I also like the fact that the celebrity is in the hotspot this will also attract the attention of the audience.

Bad points I don't like the little banners covering some of the text as it hides and I think confuses the audience, the banners are also slanted which doesn't flow as most of the text is straight. 

Friday 19 December 2014

Definitions and terminology

Masthead-the title of a newspaper or magazine at the head of the first page.
Hotspot-a popular place of entertainment
Captions- a title or brief explanation accompanying an illustration, cartoon, or poster.
Font- a set of type of one particular face and size
Image- a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art

analysis of contents page

I like the colour scheme of this contents page as it flows, black, white and grey are used as it co exists with the person standing behind. The text also flows as it is written to the right of the page acting like a direction pointing to the person showing he is important. The use of the blue numbers makes it easy to find the page as it stands out.

Thursday 18 December 2014

analysis of a contents page

When analysing this contents page we first see the half naked woman lying down. she is dressed in tight clothing almost exposing herself to the opposite sex attracting more of an audience. She is presented as a sex symbol as she barely has no clothes on, the use of the heels she is wearing suggest she is in power as they are in a brighter colour to the rest of the page. The way she is lying down is like she is trying to entice and grab more of an audience. Her legs are in a v as the magazine is called vibe as seen with the letter v at the top of the page.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Preliminary task contents page

This is my contents page, as you can see it's not up to standard as I had very little time to complete. Firstly the font isn't very good as it is hard to read and is in a small size. To add to this the text is missing capital letters, which makes it look unprofessional and is a schoolboy error. The layout of my contents page isn't realistic as it looks like I've added in random images and looks untidy. Also the colours don't go very well as I have a mixture of five colours or so which makes it look messy.
The colour pallet I have used isn't too a high standard as it looks jumbled and terrible. The 'children in need' lettering is in the wrong place and is not needed.
The logo of the school is also put in a random place, it should be next to the title or to the top of the page.

Preliminary task cover

When looking at my cover I could have made it better in many ways. One being the colours, the colours do not go very well together as it is mainly grey, so colours like black, red and white should have been used. Another mistake I've made is capital letters many of the side headings don't have a capital letters, this makes them a lot less attention grabbing as well as making it look unprofessional. On the flip side there are some good points about my cover, one being the masthead, as it is bold and a eye opener. Another good reason is that the person is in the hotspot, as it attracts the reader into buying the magazine.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Preliminary task

I have just finished my preliminary task which was creating a school magazine and a contents page, It's not best of covers however this is my first time using both photoshop and illustrator. I'm not expecting the best feedback but I can take it on board to create a better cover page.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Drafts of school magazine

This is the first draft of my school magazine. From looking at professional magazines, I gathered techniques like hotspots, mastheads and captions. which I then used to get a good idea of the layout of my front cover, also thinking about camera angles like medium close ups and how they are going to be positioned. I also needed to think about the amount of text, as I didn't want it to be too boring or too plain.

Reseach on school magazine

For this task I had to analyse a school magazine.

Thursday 23 October 2014


I've designed this questionnaire on survey monkey for my research on a school magazine, in order to get a idea for what people may like or not like to see. I think these questions would leave me a great understanding of how my layout would be, as well as make it easier for the reader. 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

About me

Hi there my name is Anil Dubb I've just recently started blogging. I am 16 years old, im currently doing my a- levels: As media studies, Art,Sport and 3d design. In my spare time i like to go, go-karting and I like playing football. I enjoy life as a student althought it can be very stressful.